Friday, April 25, 2008

donuts are best

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Another fine day

Bella was chasing the ball down the hill when her feet got a little carried away.
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"Sugar Bella"

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Off to church

This was Kayli's first time going to church since she was an infant. We've been attending seperate masses since she was born due to our parish not having a "cry room" or a nursery. It has made it a little difficult to go to mass as a family in the past. But now that the kids are getting a little older (and more manageable) we are really looking forward to "all" of us going together.
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Georgetown International Kite and Cultural Festival

Dada and the kids near the entrance to the festival. The trees were absolutely gorgeous this year.
Kayli wasn't too crazy about the extremely tall grass in the "Flying Field".
Mommy and Kayli watching the boys fly the kite...well, run back and forth across the field!
Kayli was fascinated by all the colorful kites.
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Beautiful Spring day!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

thumb sucker and wild hair

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dinner time routine

Kayli always drags one of the kitchen chairs over by me when I am cooking dinner. She then proceeds to climb under the chair and peek out at me giggling each time.
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Sunday, April 6, 2008